Tuesday, July 14, 2009


*How much coffee is too much? Wish I was one of those people that don't need a good 8 hours of sleep. Around 5 or so for the last 4 days is NOT CUTTING IT! grouch much? However somehow I gave birth to a baby girl that seems to think she does not need the recommend 12-14 hours of sleep. I beg to differ.
* Owen pooped...ON THE POTTY! yeah!
*It's 900 and he is watching curious George for the second time..is that wrong?
*It's Tuesday that means it's almost Friday :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Things I need to Do

  1. Sign up for HALF marathon. I will but the emphasis on half. In need of motivation deadline
  2. Make swiffer mop pads....possibly considering making things for etsy/ home business
  3. Buy coffee we are out...not sure if living without is possible.
  4. Find a house... still looking for the self cleaning model that also does laundry especially the putting away in drawers part.
  5. Consider joining http://nikkishell.typepad.com/wardroberefashion ( though I might have wait until after we have our Chicago Trip this weekend.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

In A Perfect World

* I would have an agenda for everyday...Be Organized

* Owen would listen to everything I said and be potty trained

* I would have an infinite amount of energy

* My legs, ankles and boobs would look like they did before babies

* Needles wouldn't hurt

* I would be more like Jesus

Super Cute

Kiddos having a good time!


Thanks to my Mother in Law! I am spending a weekend without kids and husband. WHOOOOWHOOO. Was hoping to get lots accomplished but decided to some things for me instead. Went out for dinner last night. Good Company had a gyro wrap and a blue moon. Yummy! Went running! Got haircut...love it! Watched devil wears Prada. A chick movie for sure. Today I am going to a purse party that also includes wine and appatizers. Can't go wrong with any of those things.