Saturday, April 17, 2010

So, I have negleted you, sorry

What's new??

*It's Spring....allergy time for me. Seems my allergies are getting worse as I get older, isn't that lovely?? Been feeling super tired, not sure if it's allergies, running more miles, working nights or a combination of all the above. Whatever it is, seriously enough already. Mommy needs some energy.

*Sticker Charts...Newest brilliant motivational idea. For Owen and myself. Need to get those made like now. I am going to reward Owen with a night out at the movies and myself with ??? (why is it so hard to think of rewards for myself) I am thinking a pedicure. However I do feel bad for the person who will be performing the pedi. I have gross huge monster feet but boy do I love a good food rub and I have some really cute super comfy sandals that I would feel much more comfortable wearing out with pretty feet.

*Defiant Child.... is Owen a defiant child? Not sure, sometimes yes. Do I think he has a serious behavioral issues? Sometimes??, but he also can be really good and his behavior has improved so much. Goals, try to show him he valued and connect with him more. Sometimes it's hard to love someone who is so much like yourself.

* Run Mommy! Can you believe it is April 17th already, I really need to get my butt in gear and start running. Green Bay Half Marathon in one month! Running brings me sanity, although sometimes I feel insane doing it :) I love how it feels and I love to be fit. I don't love soreness, lack or motivation, leaving my kiddos and husband (I do have to admit that sometimes I do I like this) It's really hard being a full time working Mom and trying to fit that run in. Being looking over some running blogs to get motivation. There are some amazing women out there!

*Sushi....Yummyo!! Thanks to my husband for arranging the sitter so we could go out. I love sushi, it's just so flavorful! It's kinda fun too, and seems healthier than other options. It's so nice being so close to a bigger city.

*Holy Meteor! This week a meteor was seen flying across the sky all over the Midwest. Guess where it "landed" broke up?? Somewhere over SW Wisconsin. Saw some video footage the sky lit up like daylight and made a big sonic boom. Better Grab your Cheeseheads that sky is falling!